Sunday, November 4, 2012

New beginnings

A couple photos from my blackberry and a friend's iPhone. I haven't done all that much photography lately. My days have been spent studying for interviews, sipping tea and catching up on The Walking Dead.

On another note, a friend of mine has been going through a hard time lately.

She's been so emotionally distraught about her previous relationship which lasted for a decade. Things were beginning to escalate in a different direction for them and it seemed like they were ready start on another chapter together in life. The things is, there is a difference between loving the idea of something and coming to terms with the reality of it. I guess at times love and ideation can be a blind sighting concoction. In all strides, do your best to stay realistic about things. Don't waste your time beating yourself up over things that won't benefit you. Question the matter reasonably and stay rational.

After many late nights and heart-to-heart talks, I'm glad to conclude that she's emerging out strong on the other side. I can not stress this enough, but relationships are exactly like roller coaster rides. There are the highs, then the lows and the ride, no matter how long or short it may be, its always worth your while. Never look back upon your past and begin to dwell in regret. With all that is said and done, you had your reasons for engaging in the things you did or for preaching the things you believed in then. Everybody gets weak once in awhile, it's only human. Your actions may have caused you to lose someone or something you may have loved. Instead of abiding to your broken heart and sprawled emotional tantrums, stay positive and try to find closure in things by talking to that person. If in the event that doesn't play out right, speak to someone trustworthy, a close friend or somebody who can give you constructive advice. If that doesn't work out either, there's always the alternative of learning to distract yourself temporarily until you're in a stronger state of mind. Note temporarily. Emotional strains can change the way you look at things or simply, trusting can become an issue. Try not to treat every individual unjustly just because your primal instincts scream agenda. Instead, give people a chance, get to know them but still keep a distance. Not everybody out there is out to hurt you.

I personally have been through my fair share of disappointments but I try to stay vigilant and look forward to positive things. I honestly find it depressing to brood over shreds of the past. There is a reason why its called the past and therefore, it should stay in its place. Cliche but assuringly true. However, I admit that I too, find myself in moments where I seek clarity. I either turn to my friends or write it out, rereading every word as rationally as I can to slay the root of the problem. Keep in mind that every step you make, be it in any direction should be seen as a stepping stone in life. We ALL make mistakes and through them, we continue to learn everyday. You will meet people in life that will teach you great lessons, some with the company of tremendous heartache. Scour for a lesson in the abyss. Those lessons are usually the ones that bring a whole new perspective to life.

And lastly, chin up and look forward to living out brand new days with no desolations of the past.

Have a great week everyone. If you've been having a hard time, I hope your days will take a positive turn.



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